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Hardness removal from waters by using citric acid modified pine cone

Show simple item record Altundoğan, Hamdi Soner Topdemir, Aykut Çakmak, Meltem Bahar, Nurdan 2016-09-02T08:15:42Z 2016-09-02T08:15:42Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Altundoğan, H., Topdemir, A., Çakmak, M. ve Bahar, N. (2016). Hardness removal from waters by using citric acid modified pine cone. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 58(1), 219-225. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract In this study, an effective cation exchanger was developed from pine cone by citric acid modification and its hardness removal properties from waters were investigated. For this purpose, grinded pine cone samples were subjected to a citric acid modification following NaOH saponification. Both of the raw and modified pine cone samples were subjected to standardized hardness removal tests by shaking with hard waters. These tests showed that citric acid modification significantly increases the cation exchange capacity of the pine cone. Also, most suitable size fraction of pine cone was determined as -16+30 mesh (600 um < x < 1200 um). Finally, citric acid modified product obtained from this fraction was used in a continuous system to remove hardness from water. The results of this study showed that citric acid-modified pine cone can be used to hardness removal from waters as a cheap and environment-friendly material. tr_TR
dc.language.iso İngilizce tr_TR
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess tr_TR
dc.subject Fırat Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi::DOĞA BİLİMLERİ VE MATEMATİK tr_TR
dc.subject.ddc Pine cone tr_TR
dc.subject.ddc Citric acid tr_TR
dc.subject.ddc Water hardness tr_TR
dc.subject.ddc Ion exchange tr_TR
dc.subject.ddc Cross-linking tr_TR
dc.title Hardness removal from waters by using citric acid modified pine cone tr_TR
dc.type Makale - Bilimsel Dergi Makalesi - Çok Yazarlı tr_TR
dc.contributor.YOKID TR5248 tr_TR
dc.contributor.YOKID TR101086 tr_TR
dc.contributor.YOKID TR106722 tr_TR
dc.contributor.YOKID TR13565 tr_TR
dc.relation.journal Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers tr_TR
dc.identifier.volume 58 tr_TR
dc.identifier.issue 1 tr_TR
dc.identifier.pages 219;225
dc.published.type Uluslararası tr_TR

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