Today, quantum computers are still in development and are an area actively studied by researchers. Although quantum computers
have high potential, there are significant technical difficulties and obstacles to achieving practical applications. Many research
labs and companies are working on increasing the number of qubits, solving stability problems, and improving error correction
techniques, and scalability. These efforts aim at advances such as the development of more stable and reliable qubits, the
discovery of more precise control and reading techniques, and the design of more advanced algorithms. This study aims to
establish a connection between quantum computers and classical computers. To achieve this, research and work have employed
a Karnaugh-based approach. Karnaugh maps serve as highly useful tools in the analysis of complex logic circuits. Depending on
one's needs and design requirements, different logic functions can be analyzed and simplified using Karnaugh maps. In this
study, the Karnaugh map-based method is utilized to obtain the Boolean function from the state table of the Quantum circuit
generated from the RCViewer+ synthesis tool. Subsequently, the obtained function is transformed into a combinational logic
circuit. As a result, an optimal combinational circuit corresponding to the quantum circuit can be obtained.